Weekly update


CorporateRonin here,

Every week on Monday I do the “Weekly update” where I tell you about the plans for this week's development, and on Friday I do the “Weekly recap”  where I show the previews of the update to subscribers, both on Patreon and Subescribestar.

Having said that, let's move on to this week's Weekly update:

This week I worked on the stress release scene for corruption route (If you played Romance route you know what they are.).

The third image shows the objectives of this update.

The shapes in blue are those that have been completed and those in gray are those that remain to be made. As you can see, there are several options that affect the future of the narrative.

One thing I've noticed is that some people find the game short, I believe they only choose one option and don't explore the others, I don't want to and won't tell people how to play my game. But with that in mind I think it's EXTREMELY IMPORTANT to make a gallery of scenes so that it at least instigates the curiosity of these players to try to explore the game more.

That's all for this weekly update, will be back Friday with weekly recap!

This week I worked on the stress release scene for corruption route (If you played Romance route you know what they are.).

The third image shows the objectives of this update.

The shapes in blue are those that have been completed and those in gray are those that remain to be made. As you can see, there are several options that affect the future of the narrative.

One thing I've noticed is that some people find the game short, I believe they only choose one option and don't explore the others, I don't want to and won't tell people how to play my game. But with that in mind I think it's EXTREMELY IMPORTANT to make a gallery of scenes so that it at least instigates the curiosity of these players to try to explore the game more.

That's all for this weekly update, will be back Friday with weekly recacap!

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